A70 Pro version V2.05 firmware update

June 26, 2024
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This firmware is only for A70 Pro and is NOT applicable to any other models. If this firmware is flashed to other models, it will immediately cause the product to be unusable and unable to repair by yourself. If the firmware of your A70 Pro is already V2.05, then your A70 Pro needn't this update.

The firmware version of your A70 Pro could be check at the DFU mode: Turn A70 Pro off by the power switch of rear panel. Then press and keep holding the knob, turn on A70 Pro by the same power switch, release the knob.

What's updated:
Fix the bug where the screen displays abnormally in rare cases.

Download here

If you have questions about the update of your A70 Pro, please contact us before updating this firmware.
